Saturday, August 22, 2009

[01] Effective Communication Skills

The act of communication occurs so frequently in our lives that most of us hardly give a thought to it. In all honesty, I've never pondered about how I was communicating with others before I signed up for this class.

Communication skills are important to me because I've experienced first-hand how meanings can get misconstrued. Often, when I'm working on projects with schoolmates, good intentions get mistaken for accusations, which lead to tension within the group. My guess is that such misunderstandings are due to our not knowing how to express our feelings or thoughts in a way that is appropriate to the situation. Should every group member have had effective communication skills, such unpleasantness could have been avoided.

If these problems are already surfacing in school project groups, they’ll probably be magnified in the workplace. Communication skills will thus play a big role in helping to foster good working relationships with my colleagues in the future. Conflicts will definitely arise in the process of working together, but I believe that with the necessary skills, such disagreements will be resolved quickly and efficiently.

If the ability to send and receive messages accurately in a work-related setting is important, then it is even more so when we talk to friends and loved ones. Although these people readily forgive our misgivings, it is unfair to them if we are slipshod in the way we communicate with them. Since effective communication involves active listening, having a good grasp of it will help us to listen, not merely hear what others are saying. This will increase our understanding of people around us and improve our personal relationships.

We, as human beings, are social creatures. It is quite impossible for us to live in our own little bubble without any interaction with people around us. Unless we can live as single entities, effective communication skills will be essential in helping us to bond with people.

I'm looking forward to learning these skills which will help me better my interpersonal relations!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. (SORRY! technical faults in previous comments so it wasn't complete. Here's the updated version) :)

    Hey I agree with you that sometimes, it is really fustrating that our good intentions were mistaken for accusation perhaps due to the wrong choice of words or the way we put forth our opinions.

    This really shows the importance of adopting good communication skills and I believe that after this course, we will be able to build positive bonds with others through good communications! :)

  4. I think this is a well written article that describes the frustration faced when working in a group that has lack of proper communication.

    Indeed i agree that we should take good care of the need to communicate properly with our loved ones. This is because if we failed to do so, we ulitmately hurt them more than the rest of other people do. I hope we could all grasp the proper techniques of communicating with people after this course.

  5. I like your flow of ideas throughout the entry. It is definitely well thought out from the way it is structured. I totally agree that most of the time we may not be aware of how insensitive we might be when it comes to communicating with others. We don't really bother about the things we say, when we say them or even how we say them. Here's something to think about - when we have mastered the skills of effective communication, only then will our loved ones be spared from the hurt caused by the things we say; unless we communicate the ultimate truth...and it is always said, 'the truth hurts'! - fadz

  6. Hi Jing Hui,

    It is an undebatable fact that humans are social creatures, and I think you have brought out the importance of communication in a concise manner.

    Work experience has taught me that communication is of utmost importance so long as there is contact with people, whether it is one's superiors, colleagues, or even the attendants (aka cleaners) at the company one may work in. This is because a breakdown in communication can lead to messy situations which may become hard to clear.

    And of course, we all have our loved ones and I would personally think that communication is in essence the means by which we express our love for them.

    Truly, effective communication is a much essential skill that is not easy to learn, but definitely worth the effort!
